Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Early Death Chromebooks Antivirus Industry

Since its launch on May 11 last, a laptop Chrome more and more people interested. In the midst of the high interest of the community will this new generation laptop, the laptop turns out the producers feared Chrome AntiVirus.

Chrome or Chromebooks laptop containing only a browser and work with the all-online services are unable to install the files. exe or installer of any kind, including antivirus tools. Chromebooks have a security system built-in, so that in this computer does not need anti-virus software.

This sort of thing can also be found on Apple laptops. Many people assume that this is the beginning of the bankruptcy of the antivirus industry. A number of antivirus companies such as McAfee, Symantec, or Kaspersky should be careful.

Andrew Jaquith of the Perimeter E-Security says, "PC like Chromebook will be a problem for McAfee and the like."

This needs to be aware, the article of this kind of laptop will be increasingly in demand. Gartner Research predicts Chromebooks similar laptop sales will increase to 1.4 billion by 2015.

"Computers do not require this kind of antivirus. This is bad news for antivirus vendors, because three-quarters of their market will go,"said Jaquith.

But this new generation of laptop problems rather than on their vulnerability to viruses. Work system based on cloud computing actually vulnerable hacking attacks. The antivirus software producers should be able to offer solutions to these problems.
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